Wednesday, May 16, 2007

A Change of Pace

After a multitude of travelogue entries, perhaps it's time for a brief respite. On a slightly serious note, I recently received an email with regards to a hotly debated topic in the local media. The decriminalising of Section 377A of the Penal Code. Specifically, the decriminalising of homosexual acts. Arguments both against and for this decriminalisation have been thrown into the fray. I've attached excerpts of the email here for all to see.

My church, i.e. xxxxxxxxxxx has issued a call for us to write in to register with the government, prior to the Parliament debate in July, to state our stand against the Decriminalising of Section 377A of the Penal Code (S377A) (laws that essentially criminalise hormosexual acts).

This is not just a Christian thing, I am writing this email to appeal to you, as citizens of this nation, to write in so that the voice of the masses can be heard. Together, we can make a difference.

I do hope that as you understand more about the potential gravity of the situation, you will write or forward your emails to the ministries and/or Ministers and/or MPs. It doesn't have to be a thesis but a few lines to state your concern as citizens of this nation that our stand is for Section 377A to be preserved in its entirety. We do not wish to see our children grow up in an environment where homosexuality is not only condoned but promoted as an alternative lifestyle.

I quote the article: "Parliament may pass laws which reflect the public good in preference over the rights of the individual or groups." and I believe that truly the majority of the population will deem it good to preserve the code.

Just to clarify that the church (i.e. Christians) hate the sin (i.e. homosexuality) and not the sinners (homosexuals)... even as we write in or share with our friends (believers or not) to ask them to join in this cause, we remember that it is important to show love to the homosexuals and not come across as Christian fundamentalists out to condemn that group of individuals. Jesus is love, so while we do not tolerate the sin, we still love those that are yet bound in the lifestyle of homosexuality.

Christian or not, we believe that this is an issue that all Singaporeans that are not for homosexuality should make a stand for. So dear friends, let's do our part to preserve righteousness and integrity in our nation.

I'm not too sure about the viewpoints expressed in this letter though. Although I advocate the verbal jousting in the local media, the involvement of the Church in the fray is somewhat unsuitable. There's a reason why Church and State should be seperated. Imposing the viewpoints of a single religion/belief system that is not universal onto the masses is in my books, wrong. But, my question is, is the content of the message relevant? Or just the fact that the message comes from the Church imposing it's views gives us cause to frown upon it?

For the record, I'm pro-choice. Personally I do not advocate an alternate lifestyle, but I believe in the right to choose. On a side note, more homosexual men means more foxy ladies for the rest of us blokes, eh?

Share with us your viewpoint.

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