The update on my new home, Taiwan was long overdue. Finally i overcame my laziness to post a short and sweet entry but apparently it wasn't enough to quench some GY's thirst for Taiwan. In order to attract a larger tour group in July, i will do my part.....

The whole stretch down the road revolves around one type of food, 臭豆腐. For those who can only stand this kind of smell in the toilet, here's a trick for you : Attempt to eat the food only when you walked back from the end of the street. Because by then, you are too accustomed to the fragrance of the ever famous 臭豆腐.. i did it, so can you!

Wulai Scenery (烏來風景區)

YangMingShan (陽明山)
Another scenic place is one of the National Park, the 陽明山. Though by the time i visited, the flower seasons was over, there were still some stubborn flowers that refused to wither. For once i like stubbornness...Nonetheless, there was plenty of fresh air to inhale and plenty of slopes to work out your thigh muscles...My next trip up will be to watch the sunrise... hand in hand... rest assured it's not going to be with G@Y.....
Talking about quality of life, here's a table bbq place a stone throw away from my place. Pretty decent food : beef, prawns and all... i had my mouth full...
Ferris Wheel (摩天輪)
There was one place we had to visit when Xinyi came visiting.
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