Friday, May 11, 2007

Random Post

So it appears that there hasn't been much activity recently on the blog. So as one of the blog's editors, I've taken it on to post an entry... about nothing...

Some minor updates I guess.
  1. CSC is back in town till Saturday. Maybe we could do some drinks on Friday night, ie tonight.
  2. But not for me. Doctor's orders.
  3. Mother's day is on Sunday in case anyone forgets. So better get off your arse and order those flowers or book that table at the restaurant if you haven't. GYs overseas, time to call home.
  4. GYFC has been on a roll, a losing roll that is. Maybe age is really catching up even with the best of us.

More random stuff. During my daily exploration of the World Wide Web, I chanced upon this video. Don't know why, but it just catches my attention (down south), if you catch my drift. Watch it!

Moving on, those familiar with the local blogger going by the moniker of Mr. Brown should find this amusing. It's Bak Chor Mee Man 2! Have to say it's pretty creative how he manages to "mock" recent geo-political events in our tiny island country with the Bak Chor Mee Man. Listen on!

Lastly, I have to admit it's been a slow month of May for me so far. Hence I've been passing my time reading this gem of a webcomic. This is now my all time favourite comic, replacing Dilbert. Check out it's wikipedia entry for more on the characters in it. Read it!

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