Sunday, March 18, 2007


My fish (Apr 2002 - 17 Mar 2007)
An Ode to a Friend
A regular call home turned out to be special this afternoon, when I was informed that my fish has moved on sometime on 17 Mar 2007, around dinner time in Sg.
I may not have showered care for my fish over the last 18 months or so, but it still leaves me with a strange sense of sadness and distraught to see it go in such an undignified manner.
Yes. It was the same fish which I took to Hall 4 in 2002.
Yes. It was the same fish that fell into an ashtray while we were transferring it from tank to pail.
Yes. It was the same fish which followed from Hall to home to Hall to home.
Yes. It was the same fish which I could not take to London.
It was a fish which I have come to take care of when it was fashionable for all to have a fish. I bet most of your fishes have long moved on, and that none of you have ever talked about it much. But my fish lived through it all. From cradle to grave, it held on.
How much my life has changed since I had the fish - that thought first struck when of heard of its passing. But the thought is now too scary. How much has your life changed?
I refused to have another pet for next year as a mark of respect - a mark of respect to a pet, a friend, and a fish which to date I have refused to name. RIP.


GYeo said...

thank u

Anonymous said...

I will remember you forever as the fish that failed trying to commit suicide...

You will not be forgotten