4 January 2007, Day 2 in Perth.
Today, I had my first brush with f#%ked up Aussies. I was trying to activate my prepaid sim card from @ptus. Firstly, the website for activation had some error, so it could not be activated online. Thus I had to call a certain number to activate it. After giving the customer service officer some details… and while still asking about the various different type of plans they have, (they had different kind of plans for prepaid mobile but the rates and charges aren’t stated clearly on the website), the line was suddenly cut off. But this lady still went on and activated my card on a plan which I did not want!
I called back the same number but another customer service officer told me there’s nothing she could do coz the card was already activated and the f*%ked up thing is.. I will be charged for this second call that I made. She went on to tell me that I have to call another customer service number to tell them my problems. But I will be charged for that call too.
So I called the other customer service number thinking they can change my prepaid plan and restore my value which was wasted on calling them due to their incompetent service. knnbccb. After 20mins.. I was still holding the phone waiting to speak to a customer service officer. Till this point I didn’t know if my call is charged per min or per call. But I believed they can reinstate my card value and change my plan.. so.. i waited.
Finally another guy picked up the call. This was what the guy said…"not a problem, Sir.. your plan can be switched... but please take note that u will have to forfeit your bonus value blahblahblah.." (some promotion stuff which are given for new prepaid card activation only)wtf! I have to forfeit my entitlement due to a customer service officer's fault? I tried to kaopei some logic to him… but he kept repeating.. "There’s nothing I can do sir. Anyway.. with this plan.. it is better.. coz u can make more calls..." ya .. of coz I can make more calls.. coz i will end up having to pay more ..... to my horror...... there’s REALLI nothing he can do about it... coz its already activated. This would mean that… I am stuck with a plan that I do not want, and I just wasted some of my card's value calling them to find out how incompetent they are... wtf...knnbccb x 2.
I kaopeikaobu for quite a while.. until in the end.. he sort of felt my frustration.. and decided to give me $10 credit to my account "out of goodwill". Not the best.. but better than nothing. Another consolation for me when I found out that this call that I just made.. which lasted probably 30mins... was charged at per call flat rate. By the way...in SG.. calling the telco's cust service is free of charge.
It’s no wonder aussies are so relaxed.. working 4.5 days every week... their systems are damn bloody f%$ked up... Website not working properly, mobile network dropped my call, customer service officer made unsound decisions on my behalf and customer service officers who can't do shlt.
When I told a fren who used to study in Australia about what happened.. . all he said was.. "its like that.. get used to it... it will be worse when u go to the banks here... WELCOME TO AUSTRALIA"

Today, I had my first brush with f#%ked up Aussies. I was trying to activate my prepaid sim card from @ptus. Firstly, the website for activation had some error, so it could not be activated online. Thus I had to call a certain number to activate it. After giving the customer service officer some details… and while still asking about the various different type of plans they have, (they had different kind of plans for prepaid mobile but the rates and charges aren’t stated clearly on the website), the line was suddenly cut off. But this lady still went on and activated my card on a plan which I did not want!
I called back the same number but another customer service officer told me there’s nothing she could do coz the card was already activated and the f*%ked up thing is.. I will be charged for this second call that I made. She went on to tell me that I have to call another customer service number to tell them my problems. But I will be charged for that call too.
So I called the other customer service number thinking they can change my prepaid plan and restore my value which was wasted on calling them due to their incompetent service. knnbccb. After 20mins.. I was still holding the phone waiting to speak to a customer service officer. Till this point I didn’t know if my call is charged per min or per call. But I believed they can reinstate my card value and change my plan.. so.. i waited.
Finally another guy picked up the call. This was what the guy said…"not a problem, Sir.. your plan can be switched... but please take note that u will have to forfeit your bonus value blahblahblah.." (some promotion stuff which are given for new prepaid card activation only)wtf! I have to forfeit my entitlement due to a customer service officer's fault? I tried to kaopei some logic to him… but he kept repeating.. "There’s nothing I can do sir. Anyway.. with this plan.. it is better.. coz u can make more calls..." ya .. of coz I can make more calls.. coz i will end up having to pay more ..... to my horror...... there’s REALLI nothing he can do about it... coz its already activated. This would mean that… I am stuck with a plan that I do not want, and I just wasted some of my card's value calling them to find out how incompetent they are... wtf...knnbccb x 2.
I kaopeikaobu for quite a while.. until in the end.. he sort of felt my frustration.. and decided to give me $10 credit to my account "out of goodwill". Not the best.. but better than nothing. Another consolation for me when I found out that this call that I just made.. which lasted probably 30mins... was charged at per call flat rate. By the way...in SG.. calling the telco's cust service is free of charge.
It’s no wonder aussies are so relaxed.. working 4.5 days every week... their systems are damn bloody f%$ked up... Website not working properly, mobile network dropped my call, customer service officer made unsound decisions on my behalf and customer service officers who can't do shlt.
When I told a fren who used to study in Australia about what happened.. . all he said was.. "its like that.. get used to it... it will be worse when u go to the banks here... WELCOME TO AUSTRALIA"

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