My brothers, I'm here with my latest offering for the blog. My days with you guys over at blk 25 were indeed filled with sessions of endless fun and GYing (and fun as a result of GYing). One of the things which I remember was our love affair with the Konami produced game, Winning 11.
This was some serious kick-ass shit. I remember we started out humbly with just a PS1 and played winning 11 either at my room or at Beng's. We even held a silly Brotherhood Winning 11 competition. I think I beat Poh by an abysmal margin (8-0 was it?), but didnt go on to win the competition. Think Meng or Vin won it. But whatever, all in the name of fun yar?
Time passed but our addiction for the game never quite died down. Jiate upped the tempo when he generously donated his PS2 for the cause. There was no turning back from that point.
Every afternoon, when I came back from lessons, I would see 2 random GYs seated on the floor of my room, eyes glued to the TV, fingers jamming rapidly on the keypads. Things eventually progressed to the stage where people started having funny theories like Vin's "Australia is the best team lor!!" or Poh's "All blacks can run. Period." From time to time, Jiate and Gord would make a mad dash into my room just for a quick fix of the game. This almost always left me in fits.
The routine for a typical GY-turned-Winning-11-Junkie is as follows:
Morning: Asleep. Come on guys, let's face it. Who the hell wakes up for morning lessons?
Mid-day: Awake. Wash up. Have the 1st winning 11 game to kick start the day. Must win, since the game more or less sets the mood for the day. So in worst case scenarios, play against the computer. 1 star difficulty.
After Lunch: There's no way anyone can start work w/o a game of winning 11 before that. Same rules apply, play till victory is achieved.
Before Dinner: Another game winning 11. The reason being: Still need to wait for the rest to get ready what, so just play 1st.
After Dinner: A game before the prime time show on ch8 comes on. Another game after the show ends. No compromise.
Pre-supper: Slot in a game where possible.
Post supper: There's no way anyone can sleep before a game. Of cos, play till win!! .

Winning 11 sessions are a rarity these days, but the memories remain. I'm never too old for another game. Who's up for it?
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