The Crowd that night
Bran when he was real high

The alcohol on show
As promised, some photos to go along. Though we weren't able to get Glad to toast Bran happy birthday, we managed to get Jacq instead. Bran was real happy. He was sporting enough to let us get him drunk. SNAGY Bran, u are real SNAGGY!!
why no pic of jacq?
No one took out the camera then.. argh.. shld have taken that picture. I think Bran down 2 shots of dunno what and Jacq down 2 shots of Coke.
I wanted to say it too.... Too bad no pics of Jacq... but i'm sure you all have means to get her pic right? I'm sure she is in some committee somewhere or has her pictures taken somewhere... How come it's not Jacq down 2 shots? So is she Bran's mistress in hall?
Well well, I will put up a posting of my views on the "Night Terror Struck Hall 4" Anyways, I have an alternative caption for the pic with me, beng, bert and tarts. Should have been something like, " Mates desperately hold Bran's chin to keep the vomit in..."
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