Is life a journey or a destination?
I think many people out there believe that life is a destination.
Some believe that winning lottery is the gateway to eternal happiness and blissfulness. Some believe that reaching that certain salary will enable them to live a life of no worries.
In a nutshell, people are programmed to think that there is this one ultimate goal in life and upon reaching that goal, all other life problems would be solved.
But is that the case?
I think that life is a journey and it's about how u live it.
If u are stressed out nut worrying abt this and that thru out your life, winning 50 million is not gonna make u less stressed out. After all, u cannot lose what u do not have. You only have more to lose.
If u have been worrying abt not able the service that car/house/renovation loan, reaching that new dream salary wouldnt make things better for ya ... u will have more car/house/renovation loans.
So why not live life the GY way?
Do normal fun things ... make people laugh ... laugh urself silly ... what's wrong?
Does that mean that we don't take life and work seriouslY?
Does it mean that dying children in Africa do not bring a twinge of heartache to a Gy's hearT?
It doesn't.
It jus means that to us, life is a journey, not a destination - GYs are not too concerned about getting there, but how GY we are along the way getting there.
so whats a journey without destination?
u read alice in the wonderland?
To the dumbass who asked "what's a journey without a destination?", I think the writer didnt mean the entry as that. He's just likening LIFE to a JOURNEY and highlighting the importance of why he says that. True that, there aren't many journeys that you can find out there that are without a destination, but I think the point of this entry is just to remind the overly purpose driven individuals out there that sometimes its what you do along the way that matters and to just enjoy the simpler pleasures of everyday life. Well anyway, I also notice that this is part of Aerosmith's Amazing so its pretty cool...
I quite disagree actually... I agree that life is not a destination. I liken death as a destination. Life is a journey i do agree. But having goals and aims in life does not make us unhappy. It's the goals that we set that are giving us the blues...
Being happy in life is a goal in life is it not? Aiming for a car or house does not make us less happy, neither does it make us oblivious to other small things in life. It just depends on whether we are blinded by what we are doing.
Stress is part and parcel of life, it just depends on how you handle it. What do you say about a man w/o a goal in life? Will his life not be meaningless?
Perhaps his goal in life is to happy everyday and live simply. I cannot fault him for doing so but personally I hope to do smthg with my life and make a difference, might not have to be very big but I do not want to look back on my life and on deathbed and wonder what I have done with my life. I wanna at least make a difference to the lives of people around me.
I do have goals like life like having a car & house but that does not mean that I have ignored other things in life. And how can we say that the man going for the big house/car is not happy with his life? In the process, he might actually be enjoying it....
Juz like a GY backstabbing others at work to climb up the corporate ladder, marrying the daughter of a rich man in order to be rich instantaneously, a woman marrying a rich man and praying everyday that he dies asap.... I'm sure all these entails quite alot of enjoyment for a GY right?
I think everything juz boils down to how you wanna live your life. It's all your own choice. Make a choice now and make sure you are happy with your choice.
At the end of the day, I'm sure we can be GY and yet get the babes, have a car and live in a nice house.
Twenty-five years and my life is still
Trying to get up that great big hill of hope
For a destination
To Brangy.
Don't you think every individual is entitled to his own point of view? You have yours and I respect your views, but I do not go around calling ppl dumbass, whether I understand what they meant or not.
From your posts, I kinda got the impression you are a sorry loser who is so full of yourself. Grow up dude. Note that it is just an impression, but I am not calling you a sorry loser. I might be wrong about you, for you might be some succesful CEO of some conglomerate, but heres one advice for you, watch what you say about people you do not know.
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