Tuesday, July 26, 2005

I Hate Gays

By gay I mean homosexuals, male on male, going through the backdoor that kinda stuff. Perhaps hate is the wrong word to use. Maybe detest, abhor, scorn, despise... you get the picture.

I will never understand why another man would subject himself to the ridicule of being classified as a freaking fairy. It is against all laws of nature. Why another guy?! Doesn't he have everything you have?!! Take a look in the mirror!

It doesn't matter if you are a gay; behaving like one, having gay thoughts, idolising Beckham, saying "I wish I was gay", basically doing anything pansy-like will automatically make you a faggot in my books and earn you a _l_. On the other hand, I take back my _l_for you may actually be enjoying it.

What's wrong with women? Especially the foxy ones. True, they do come along with a certain amount of baggage, but the rewards certainly justify all the shite (bloguage) that you have to put up with. And there are foxy women all over the place! Hell I travel with a busload of foxy ladies every morning (but that's another story)! So there's no excuse for being gay.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not totally anti-gay. I'm totally for gay women, or lesbians as they are more commonly known. Lesbians are hot! I direct your attention to a certain Ms Jenna Jameson. (For those guys who do not know who she is, make no mistake, YOU'RE GAY!) Lesbians are definitely hot, or at least the non-butchy ones are. What can be hotter than a foxy chick? TWO foxy chicks!

Speaking of foxy ladies, I love Tara Reid. Deep deep... Seriously, who wouldn't? I watched Josie and the Pussycats in its entirety just for her. And you can trust me when I say the movie was shite (bloguage again).

Foxy ladies are thrown in our face every single day. They're used to sell anything from cigarettes to dishwashers to videogames. It's a man's world out there. There's like a freaking stimulant at every turn! How can any hot-blooded young man resist the lure of those nubile young things?! I seriously wonder what can make a man go gay...

Onto the topic of sex in everyday life. It has come to my attention that a recent video game; Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas, has been given a mature rating in the states after the censorship board found out that a downloadable patch available on the web opens up a scene in the game who has the character humping a hooker. Authorities say the scene is too graphic and will influence the mind of young children. Of course they're right. I mean, I only bought the damn game so that I could pretend to be a gang-member, steal a car, run over pedestrains to earn bonus points, make a hit on drug-dealers and shoot down hookers as part of the goal. How could you include such a morally wrong scene such as sex with a hooker?!! That would certainly leave a devasting impact on all the young minds out there. What a pity. To think how much the game could have enriched the minds of the pillars of our society had the rating not prevented them from buying it. _l_ (>_<)_l_

Oh yeah, before I end this, did I mention that I hate Gays? Here's a gay joke to end it:

Three gays are in a spa bath - Suddenly a blob of semen floats to the surface of the spa. They all look at each other and one says to the other two: "Ok, which of you two morons farted?"


Anonymous said...

Looks like this blogger had some bad experiences with gays. i offer u my sympathies.

Anonymous said...

yeah.. tara reid rocks! This is a cool blog, keep it up!