Tuesday, December 13, 2005
Monday, December 05, 2005
Pilgrimage to Manchester and Old Trafford

Some clock tower in the middle of the town center.
Manchester Eye. What a rip-off. Haha

Theatre of Dreams, Old Trafford. Very impressive.
The stadium is awesome from the outside as well.
Traitor of Merseyside.
Sunday, December 04, 2005
Pilgrimage to Highbury

Arsenal is the only club to have a Tube station named after it. West Ham comes close, but the tube station is West Ham and the club is West Ham United.
Arsenal's pitch looks immaculate.
Higbury's famous giant video screen.
Full-time score at Highbury. Reading didn't even stand a chance against the Gunners' second-stringers.
Sunday, November 27, 2005
Watch This Space
Gonna be the last few to ever enter Highbury!
Tuesday, November 15, 2005
The Birthday Blog
As the title suggests, it is a brother's birthday. GYLing, to be precise. After witnessing how miserably small the cake his team got him to commemorate the day which he turns a quarter of a century old, I feel so much better not getting him anything. Imagine a cake roughly the size of your palm, then imagine trying to cut it into puny pieces to distribute to your ENTIRE team. I'm just glad I'm not the one doing the cutting. On that note here's the best I can do:
Yeah, for those of you that noticed, the card is in Russian. I have no idea if it means Happy Birthday or even Suck my DIck you Dumbass. But it's for you Kok.
Although I've not been blogging, but I have been reading blog by others. I think there was a big backlash recently when Xiaxue blogged about using toilets for the disabled. Whatever, I don't really fancy that bitch. She writes decently, and always has ideas about how to get in the limelight, but nothing more. She seems pretty obsessed about thinking how she's a genius just because she had a high PSLE score. So what has she to show for after her fantastic PSLE score? A blog? Just take it Xiaxue: _!_
On the other hand, I've always enjoyed reading the blogs of Blinkymummy and Bladerdash. These are people who's got spunk. Plus a lot more intelligent ramblings than a midget who thinks she's hot. I've no idea why I'm bad mouthing XX so much, maybe it's because she's not hot...
Moving on, here are some pictures that Edge asked me to post on the blog some time back. But I didn't. So screw me. Here they are now. I've give a brief explanation of where the photos were taken as we go along. Leave it to Poh.
As all of you can probably see, this picture is taken some place in Shanghai. Next.
This is another place in Shanghai. At night. Next.
The famous Shanghai view from some famous spot in Shanghai. Next.
Lastly, the waterfront at another place in Shanghai. End show.
I'm sure everyone has a better understanding of Shanghai after all my detailed explanations that came along with the pictures. Keep on rocking in Shanghai, Edge.
Big match coming up this Sunday. For those that are out of the loop, 11am at the Bukit Timah pitch. We need all the players we can get. And a lot more reserves as well. All are welcome. Except the pansies. And the SNAGGAYS. And sissy boys. And the wimps. Ok, so maybe not all are welcome. But those that can make it, please come down. God knows I can't last the entire match.
I've got nothing else to write about. Happy birthday to Kok. Take care to the brothers who are overseas. Good luck to those still having exams. _!_ those that liked this entry. _!_ those that didn't. _!_ everyone else that don't belong to those 2 categories.
Sunday, November 06, 2005
I guess

Jay-Jay Okocha started from the bench that. It didn't seem that he was needed.

A Good crowd on the day --> 26,175, a sell-out crowd at the Valley.

Luke Young. England best right-back at the moment and the Addicks' skipper.

Charlton's man-of-the-moment Danny Murphy looks on as he steps up to take a corner kick late into the game
Friday, October 21, 2005
It's getting dark earlier in london
Friday, September 30, 2005
The Night Terror Struck Hall 4
The reasons why I've made a comeback include the following:- (1) The fans need a literary orgasmic piece of work. (2) I need closure on a certain INCIDENT that took place on the 23rd of Sept. (3) I made a solemn promise to keep the blog alive. (4) Ok, the awful truth - I've got 4 hours till the next lecture and I've practically got NOTHING to do cos I ain't got much of a life...
There are many versions of what happened on THE NIGHT TERROR STRUCK HALL 4, but I trust that you critical and well-intellectually endowed individuals out there will know, after reading this, that my version isn't a shenanigan like the rest out there.
Well ok, I'm gonna cut to the chase and dive right into the INCIDENT. Here's a low-down of what happened in chronological order:
5 days before the INCIDENT: I get down with a bad cough. I lose precious hours of sleep and a kick ass rocker voice to the fucking cough for days on end.
2 days before the INCIDENT: My cough does not get any better. I met GY Beng at the corridor and he went around announcing that my birthday was on Saturday(the 24th) and beckoned the rest of the people in hall (mainly my neighbours along the same corridor) to join him in celebrating my birthday on Thursday night, that week, cos I would have gone home by Friday night.
1 day before the the INCIDENT: I was physically drained after nearly a week's long battle with the cough. I don't get any better and I continue to lose sleep cos of the violent coughing. GY Beng decided that the highlight of the celebration would be a liquor buffet. The others readily agreed.
D-day, H-hour of the INCIDENT: Mates from hall gathered (Familiar faces, and not so familiar faces. I stopped to wonder if celebrating my birthday was indeed the main reason of it all). A mini bar was set up. The aura of death got increasingly heavy. Strong situational irony since it was supposed to be a celebration of LIFE. I was given the choice to omit some liquors from the bar if there were any that I would have had a negative reaction to. I pushed my luck and chose all and rightfully got the finger from the people present. In the end, I just declared a NO-TEQUILLA-EVENING. I hate tequilla. It looks like pee, smells horrific and has a totally revolting taste. Whatever the rest of you think, TEQUILLA SUCKS.
5 mins into the INCIDENT: The guys show me the cake they got for me. Lo and behold, a little red gayass TELLY-TUBBIE cake was revealed before me. How apt fellas, the red Telly-Tubbie, a foreboding sign of the blood that would be spilled soon after. A standard singing-of-birthday-song, blowing-out-of-candles and cake-cutting routine ensued.
7 mins ino the INCIDENT: The liquor buffet commenced. Bert drew 1st blood by offering a toast to me. A shot of whiskey. Short and sharp. No biggie, just a couple more and they'd let me off. They'll cut me some slack cos I was still sick. (You live with people for about a year. They seem like good lads. You trust that they won't fuck you up when you're not at your best. Welcome to the Real World.)
8 mins into the INCIDENT: The flood gates opened. I downed shots with Zac, Robin and Hongwei. I had earlier declared a NO TEQUILLA NIGHT- a declaration that was forgotten as soon as it was made. Apparently, GY Beng had "made the effort to cut up some lemons slices" and in order for them not to go to waste, I HAD TO DOWN A SHOT OF HORSE PEE WITH HONGWEI. Fuck you, lemon strips.
11 mins into the INCIDENT: I made Weihao wait for his turn. I had to buy my time cos everyone suddenly got thirsty. I dispatched it eventually.... 5 down in under 5 mins. I'm sure the guys knew that it wasnt very nice and ethical to get a sick man pissed drunk. What ethics? Who said anything about them being SNAGs?
12 mins into the INCIDENT: I walked around to buy time. I needed a way outta this. There wasnt. Pak Seng then offered me a toast. I had to drink it cos apparently, he had "a quiz the next day" so he had to "leave early". I downed it. He stayed on - for the rest of the night. There was no quiz.
15-17 mins into the INCIDENT: I was starting to feel it. The effects of the booze was kicking in. GY Beng and Bert had managed to get this chick from another block over to toast me a couple of drinks. I downed 2 shots of whiskey with her, as a sport. I found out later that she drank coke. I hate you guys, really do.
20 mins into the INCIDENT: A random bunch of hostelites came down the stairway. I hadn't seen any of them before. They were going for supper. We were in the midst of a liquor buffet. Nothing to do with one another. Just some random hostelites. WRONG. Bert went over to the thorn among the roses and got him to offer me a toast. Well, how can a champ refuse the chance to impress the ladies with his capacity for a single shot of booze? He stepped right up and offered me a shot. Ignoring death threats from me, he downed his shot. I downed my as well. Fuck you random hostelite.
25-30mins into the INCIDENT: I was seriously feeling the kick. 9 down in such a short span is NO JOKE, even for an ace like myself. Out came Tartie, back from some hot date. Poured me a shot of Kahlua (or was it Bailey's? Fuck it I couldnt tell the diff. Didnt make a diff anyway...) I begged for some time to settle down 1st. Tarts obliged, but only for about 3 mins. Then he lost patience and insisted that I drank with him. GY Beng, sensing that it might be my last shot for the evening, tagged along for a shot of glory. (He specified before everything that he wanted the shot that would make me empty my guts out.) We toasted to honour and friendship. I held the liquor in. Yeah I know, I rock.
35 mins into the INCIDENT: Pak Seng came by again. This time swearing that he had to go for sure. Cos "it was getting late". He offered me another toast before he "left". "I cant drink anymore dude! I'm wasted!" I explained. Ignoring me, he emptied his shot glass. Bert offered to drink half of my shot for me. It was too good to be true. Indeed it was. He drank like a tenth of the shot glass and told me to finish the rest. I did. Fuck you and your lies Bert.
40 mins into the INCIDENT: Bert and Pak Seng drag me away from the danger zone to cool off. We talked about chicks and random stuff for God knows how long.
About an hour into the INCIDENT: They brought me back to the corridor. It was finally over. I was wasted. Everyone was happy. Objective met. Case closed. Did I mention that Fate was a bitch? Yes, I will say this again. FUCK YOU FATE, YOU'RE A BITCH. GY Beng caught sight of another chick walking past the corridor to deliver supper to GAY. He raced to get her, brought her over, and you know the drill guys. She emptied her shot glass, I emptied mine.
1 hour, 5 mins into the INCIDENT: GY Beng revealed a sensitive, caring side. He was worried that I'd get dehydrated so he offered me some water. Well actually it was like 2 goddamn litres of water. Suddenly it all became clear. HE WAS STILL BENT ON GETTING HIS SHOT OF GLORY. If drinking a whole variety of bullshit liquor doesnt fuck me up enough to make me puke, drinking massive amounts of fluids would have done the trick. I drank half of it, insisted that I DID NOT WANT TO PUKE, and refused to drink anymore water. He drank some of what was left in my bottle and I was forced to finish the rest. FUCK YOU GY Beng.
1 hour, 20 mins into the INCIDENT: I was gone. Totally wasted. But still I stood strong. I held the booze in like a man - for 1hour and 20 mins. I lay there on my bed. Felt my entire being careening through the universe. I ain't no sufferer of vertigo, but I could have sworn I saw my entire room spin. That was it for me. I puked the evening's contents into a make shift spittoon the guys had left at my bedside outta good will.
10 hours after the INCIDENT: The morning after. I had lived to tell the tale. I got up. I was totally strung out. I made my way across the street for some breakfast after the morning bath. I met someone when I came back. Think it was GAY. He told me Weisheng puked on his foot. Apparently the guys had drank till 6am.
Post script: (1) I can't drink to save my life.
(2) Trust no one.
(3) Really, trust no one.
(4) If something seems too good to be true, it often is.
(5) Fate is a bitch. Always been, always will be. Period.
Wednesday, September 28, 2005
Bran Bdae Pixs
Sunday, September 25, 2005
Match Report of Millwall VS Cardiff, 25 Sept 2005

There is my first stop, a bus stop jus outside the New Den. It's about 35min from my house, thus my newly adopted club. It's a great club, well loved and liked in South London.

~welcome to millwall football club~ how apt for a first timer like me.
The opponents of the day are Cardiff City from Wales. Much rift exist between these two clubs over the years especially because the visitors are from another 'country'.
Half time at the Den. 0-0, but the home team dominated. Barry Hayles and Carl Asaba were awesome upfront, but just couldnt find the opener. The visitors are led by Michael Ricketts, the long-forgotten ex-England striker.
O-0 full time. The ref Andy D'Urso sent off Jody Morris in injury time, much to the displeasure of the home crowd.
All in all a good game, too bad I couldnt get the chance to witness a goal.
GY Bran Drowned
Tuesday, September 20, 2005
Happy Birthdayssssssss
Happy Birthday to Gordon and Jason!
I remember in army Gordon spent his birthday in Biang and in hall we had a few celebrations for him. And I spent remember how Gordon and Jason found out that their birthdays are the same from a MRS Steve - I reckon that to be 20 Sep 1994 when we were in Sec 2?
And also to Brando whose birthday I think is ard this time. Ha.
and michelle teo too, if she ever reads this.
Sunday, September 18, 2005
Updates for our Brothers overseas
I'm still into my TCM course but I realise that passing the exam is different from knowing your stuff. They will give you tips (and i mean loads of them) for the exams to make sure you can pass. I have no doubt I will be able to but I'm far from knowing my stuff. Was given a quiz lately and all I can say is I only noe 10% of the stuff w/o refering to my text. Word of advice to everyone out there - Don't be my 1st patient in future.
Life sux, esp when organising a game of street soccer can prove to be of great frustration, no thanks to all the GYs we have in our jing-gang. Today morning woke up to a constant bout of sneezing at 6am. Why? Fucking strong wind comparable to Katrina blowing all over the island (or at least I tot so). My 1st tot was not to find a place to take cover or pack some emergency items in case my condo collapses. It was to close my windows and go back to sleep.
But FUCK!! We got soccer game today and the weather din look at letting up. Decided to tink of alternative 1st thing I wake up again.... Decided to tell everyone to move our game to that Bukit Batok sheltered basketball court. In the end, many GYs decided to do a GY sunday soccer on me and tell me they got smthg on last min.... I seriously wonder then how come there can be so many last min stuff happening all at the same time to different pple.... I noe Jialun is sick so that can be forgiven... No one bothered to tell me of the last min thing also until i msg them... Kan Ni Na.... All of you juz die lah.... I even went to Meng's place juz to get ball from him.... I think it shall be the last time I org such soccer games... I have decided to seek greener pastures and hand in a transfer request.... You can also say that I have decided to get a life.
Aniwae, some other updates in case some pple dunno....
- Meng has gotten a job at Mindef.
- Gordon is frequently flying off to KL and back with his job. Prospects look better than previous though I think it's still that same old shit job.
- Zhijian is missing in action. No emails from him, no news. But I have got his number over there from Huiling, juz that haven got time to call him. Heard he got internet liaoz also... Maybe he is busy with some Shanghai mei-meis. I wonder if Shanghai mei-meis are better or hainanese mei-meis that Ah Lau fancies.
- Not many pple might care but Vincent pulled his hamstring during warm-up in a game and he in out for 2 weeks. Buttttt.... he still scored in the game though he could not run at all.... I wonder if it was Benny's team he played against.
And for all our frens overseas and local, HAPPY MID-AUTUMN
Halfway Mark
Things I've learnt about myself:
- I can't do laundry for shite. My socks shrank after my 1st attempt.
- I can't get used to the weather. Weather in Sydney is unpredictable. Nice and cooling 1 day, shite-ass freezing the nice day. Which leads to point 3.
- I need warmer suits.
- Grocery shopping is a pain in the ass. Never liked it.
- Aussie chicks are hot. At least most are.
Other than that, I'm empty. But I've been around town visiting the local touristy spots. Quite a few pictures taken. But having dial up is a bitch and given my extraordinary high level of patience, all shall be treated to a feast of pictures. By feast I mean a small bowl of wanton mee with soup.
Beautiful Sydney Opera House at sunset. Had to rush there to catch this shot after work. Stayed across the harbour waiting for a good shot. Then a yatch passed by and made it perfect! This is my best picture yet!

Sydeny Harbour Bridge at night. Restaurants by the harbour with a view like this... What's more to say?

Paddy's market. Sydney's version of a pasar malam. Except it doesn't open at night. And only on weekends. So maybe it's not like a pasat malam...
Chinatown. All men are brothers it says. Anyway not much of a sight.

Right, I wanted to upload more but this connection is shite. So _!_ all and I'll see what I can do next time round. See you all in 2 weeks time.
Saturday, September 17, 2005
As promised
Tuesday, September 06, 2005
Some pictures!
Sydney Update
Quick update of my first 3 days in Sydney.
Plane ride: Business class is always good. I cannot travel economy ever again... But my plan to get some SIA hotties failed miserably... The damn indian man next to me was sick and he got most of the honeys' attention. Damn you sick indian man!! Hence after a movie, I hit the sack and didn't wake up till the stewardess' hand was on my knee gently tapping me awake for my gourmet breakfast.
Other than that, my stay up till now has been pretty uneventful. Had dinner down at Darling harbour. View was good but food so-so. Prices were also very good (for the restaurant that is)...
Work also brought about no surprises. Boss is a good woman, no airs about her at all (unlike some previous bosses I know). Small team, secretary is a small hottie, a pregnant lady sits opposite me and generally everyone was friendly.
I just realise that the secretary is not a secretary but in in fact a hottie IT girl. Bonus points for potential to be nerdy and hot. I tried to upload some pictures but unfortunately the connection sucks big time. So just suffer in agony till I manage to sort this out.
_!_ y'all till the next time I guess. Will try to update more if connection permits. Being a leech sucks (pun intended).
Friday, September 02, 2005
I have too much time on my hands...
Poh Heads to Barclays Sydney
Poh's brief flirtation with the Singapore office came to an end on transfer deadline day in August 2005 when he put pen to paper on a trial with Barclays Sydney.
It was the transfer coup of the summer for the Aussies, beating off competition from Poh's mum, the banker's, erm... Mother.The banker had himself insisted, only days beforehand, that he would only consider a trial move to George Street IF his mum failed to make a move for his signature.
But Barclays Sydney rendered his comments worthless by tabling a club record bid, for the prolific banker.Not only did it put them in the driving seat in the transfer race, it ruled out almost all of their competitors who could not match the bid.
Poh held talks with Mum but it soon became clear she did not have the funds to match the Aussies' offer.
The Bukit Timah-born striker was voted the Hall King of the Year in 2001, and was voted as one the Long Serving Sports Personality of the Year in 2004.
The banker was instrumental in helping Singapore Ops as part of Project Acorn for Barclays London 2004.After the London tournament, and with just one year left on his contract, he departed the Colonade bound for Atrium.
He joined Singapore skipper Yeow Meng Eng at the Atrium in a bid to rejuvenate his career and challenge for honour domestically and in Asia Pacific.
The signing of Poh went down a storm in Sydney. The Aussies set up a huge welcome party at George Street, to which around 20,000 fans turned up on a Wednesday lunchtime.
He openly admitted his first choice was a return to London, but spoke of his desire to score deals for Sydney - much to the delight of the thronged masses.
Thursday, September 01, 2005
Situation in UK (by GY+Kok=Shiok)
Days spent at work: 0
Day Temp: 26 degrees
No of fags: countless
Units of beers consumed: *burp*
Accomodation: GBP100/mth (still looking for cheaper)
Location: Canada Water
Trips to Liverpool: 0
Internet connection: Not up
Strip Joints Visited: Not interested
Feeling: Shiok
All info provided are solely based on my sources.
Wednesday, August 31, 2005
Thoughts of a GY (who is on leave)
Monday, August 29, 2005
Our Last Brother to Leave
Place: Changi Airport T2
Airline: SIA
Class: Business
Dress Code: Business
Flight: ???
Time: ???

GYeo in London
He is using a public com now, but when he gets his hands on a desktop, he will update u peeps with the pics.
Sunday, August 28, 2005
Take Care Bro!
In a sombre occassion at the airport, GYeo left us on a plane to London. The mood was damp and the usual wails of laughter that normally pepper our outings, noticeably missing. Tender moments spent were biding him a safe journey. Firm handshakes soon turned into uncontrollable hugs. Tears gathered in many of our eyes as we waved a teary goodbye to our brother.
As a tribute to GYeo, here are some of the pictures we've took in his last week with us.

The night was still young.

Think she'll miss him more than the rest of us.

Getting there...

All happy at the end of the night. I took this picture hence my absence. _!_

The BlinkyMummy sign and the international GY sign seems to have caught up with us.
After all that has been said, there's still one final picture. I believe this should be the last shot of JT on home soil for some time. We wish you well. Take care bro!