Thursday, June 28, 2007

This One's for Beng

As everyone knows, my "busy" schedule doesn't allow for much time when it comes to editing the blog. But at Beng's persistence in seeing the inconsequential pictures taken during our last GYFC outing, here it goes.

There's nothing much to add except we won the match 2-1 (technically a 2-0 win since the opponents' goal came from an outside recruit, hence technically the first clean sheet for GYFC in 2007) with goals from Yixiang and Yongsheng. First a panoramic shot of Tanglin Pitch 2. It would be amazing if you could actually spot where the ball was. Unfortunately, the zoom function wasn't ultilised hence the "panoramic" view.

Next is the all important picture of the equalising goal, or rather, the corner before the goal. But hey, the photographer ain't perfect. Notice the gaffer topless by the side line, whom later went on to do a Micheal Owen by injuring himself without anyone laying a finger (or leg) on him. The injury has probably ruled out any chance of a proper testimonial match for him before he heads to UK to further his managerial career. Way to go, gaffer/idiot...

Still on the topic of sporting news, fans of wrestler Chris Benoit are in mourning. Apparently, he has committed suicide after taking the lives of his wife and daughter. Never thought of him as someone who would snap just like that. But then again, after recent news of a certain ex-schoolmate commiting several bizarre acts in a certain girls' school (sorry not gonna provide link), one never knows what lies beneath.

Might as well ramble on a little more since I've started. Upcoming activities in July would include another GYFC match at Kranji Secondary this coming Sunday on the 2th. Admission is free for all spectators as part of GYFC's continuing efforts to give back to the community. Also the start of the official smoking ban in all clubs/pubs here in Singapore, which incidentally, also has been listed as the 14th most expensive city in the world, ahead of even New York. Way to go PAP, we're surely on our way to becoming a first world country now... GYFC also welcomes back it's long-serving defender Yeo from his loan spell in UK (club unknown). Sources put his arrival date at the end of July. It is yet unknown if he will be as "popular" as Edge when he returned from his loan spell in Shanghai.

There's no stopping me now. In line with the theme of this entry, which is about absolutely everything that comes to my mind at 3am in the morning, I highly recommend the french movie "Hors de Prix" staring Audrey Tautou. Long the darling of french cinema, this must be her best film to date. The film is good in the sense that it's totally un-french. None of the artistic cinematography or abstractness that characterise all things french. Just a good solid storyline with strong acting.

Right I'm running out of steam, so this shall be it. Beng remember, this is for you.

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Nokia Spoof

Remember the Nokia commercial where Gary Oldman copies the bard and says "All the world is a stage and the men and women merely players"?

Check out our local version then.

Sunday, June 10, 2007

One of the more kickass games of our time

Earlier today, I discovered this gem of a game from the allaboutsouthpark webbie!

Without a moment's hesitation, I downloaded the game and tried my hands on it. I think the story is basically about Kyle trying to save the rest of his pals in the Mario world - quite fucking stupid if you ask my opinion. But what the fuck, I can't help it! It's goddamn Mario... ... with SouthPark characters!!!!!

Here are some scenes from the game. Really worth trying out if your pillow-talk buddy's outta town!

Like the original Super Mario game, Kyle changes his appearance and breathes fire when he consumes the "fire-flower", much to the dismay of the evil mushrooms, turtles and cacti that appear EVERYWHERE in the game. Uber cool...

The idea's pretty much the same as the original Mario game. Complete a stage and do the whole "jump-up-the-flagpost" routine before you move on to the next stage...

I terrorise the little bastards everywhere I go.

The fire-breathing Jew takes on the Dragon- and pussywhips the mofo!

Saving the world - all in a day's work.
I saved the little mushroom dude, only to be told that there was more work to be done.

Just a little heads-up: Do not for once, take it for granted that Kyle is immune to damage after you consume the "fire-flower". Like the original Mario, you lose your "fireball" ability if you fuck it up and get molested by the enemy!

Well, this game is really pretty entertaining. One of the few drawbacks, however, is when I tried doing the level cheat, I realised that the mofo game creators had removed it, meaning to say that I had to play like an honest, hardworking geek. Not cool!!

Anyway, it was quite fun to re-visit my childhood game once again, so just give it a shot mates!

Quintessential video of our generation

Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Simple blog modification

A general overview to the current blog template layout. The template can be divided into 4 regions:

Body ( Currently purple and pink shade ) - Referring to the area we generally know as the background.

Header ( Currently pink with the thick purple border ) - Referring to the area within the thick purple border which consists of the blog title, blog description, etc.

Sidebar ( Currently transparent and follows the colour of the Body ) - Refers to the area with the adsense, jukebox, archives, links.

Main ( Currently the white box ) - Refers to the area where the post entries are.

Font and Colour editing with the click of the mouse. Choose according to description and watch your changes in the preview window below.

Scrolling Text Editing

Look for the following code region highlighted in Yellow in the Configure HTML/JavaScript Page Element.

<!-- Scrolling Text Notice -->

<p align="center"><marquee direction="left" width="60%" scrollamount="4">Latest Update: Blog under Construction... More ♀GY♂ for you...</marquee></p>

Replace the text (in italics) with the notice you require.

Scrolling Filmstrip Editing

Look for the following code region in the same Configure HTML/JavaScript Page Element.

<!-- Scrolling Filmstrip -->

<p align="center"><marquee behavior="alternate" width="60%" scrollamount="3"><img width="80" src="" height="60" /><img width="80" src="" height="60" /></marquee></p>

Each image is represented by the following code within the filmstrip:

<img width="80" src="url of Image" height="60" />

<img width="80" src="" height="60" />

Add or Remove an image from the filmstrip by inserting or deleting the above code (in italics) with the related URL.

Music for the Blog

Look for the following code region in the Place of Worship Configure HTML/JavaScript Page Element along the sidebar.

<p align="center">
<object width="90%" height="80"><param value="" name="movie"><param name="wmode" value="transparent"><embed src="" width="90%" height="80" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent"></embed>

Replace the music code (in italics) with similar embedded object code for your mp3 that can be obtained from imeem website.

Edit HTML to change mouse cursor

Look for the folling code region.

body {

startColorstr='$bgcolor2', gradientType='1');

font:x-small Georgia Serif;
font-size: /**/small;
text-align: center;

scrollbar-face-color : $sbcolor1;
scrollbar-highlight-color : $sbcolor2;
scrollbar-3dlight-color : $sbcolor2;
scrollbar-shadow-color : $sbcolor1;
scrollbar-darkshadow-color : $sbcolor1;
scrollbar-track-color : transparent;
scrollbar-arrow-color : $sbcolor2;


Replace the address (in italics) in the cursor url with the cursor image you want. Simple alternatives would be:


Monday, June 04, 2007


Nothing much last weekend. Except catching S.H.E. at Danshui.
So who is your favourite S.H.E. member?