Friday, July 21, 2006
Thursday, July 20, 2006
A Time to Make Friends II
Wednesday, July 19, 2006
A Time to Make Friends©

Interviewed by a tall Norwergian en route to a game
Berlin's Olympistadion - The centerpiece of Germany's 2006 World Cup
Westfalenstadion in Dortmund for Brazil V Ghana. To note: Tanjong Pagar crest.

Showing off our tickets
Tuesday, July 18, 2006
Wednesday, July 12, 2006
Inspired by recent events in the socio-political hotbed we call home, I have decided to put to paper (or blog) my personal confession. After extensive research on my chosen topic of confession and of course much plagarism the end result is a well-crafted piece of literature.
I have a confession to make. I fucking love smoking. Right at this point many of you will be thinking what a horrible person I must be and should go straight to hell. Guess what? I've been a GY since the day I was born and my VIP room in hell was reserved way before any of you schmucks even discovered the concept of lighting up.
That's right. I'll be the one driving on the highway to hell with a Marlboro hanging from the corner of my mouth. And none of those pansy Menthol cigarettes as well. Not unless you're a sixteen year old girl trying to act like a whore. Menthol cigarettes are solely reserved for runny noses. And you only get runny noses after crying. Conclusion: Menthols are for wimps who cry.
I like to think of myself as a professional smoker. Armed with this extensive knowledge of smoking, I consider it a crime if I did not contribute in some way to humanity. I've decided to start a revolution. Revolution calls out my name to make the knowledge of smoking immortal (or at least till cancer kills us all).
For all you novice smokers or people wanting to start smoking but are not too sure about the requirements, fear not, it's not as stringent as you imagine. All you really need is a pair of lungs and a maverick-like spirit for doing crazy and hazardous stuff and you'll be ready to light up. And having an arm or two might ease the lighting up process. Children of all ages welcome to apply.
To commerate the start of my revolution I have come up with a list of situations whereby smoking is essential. Here we go:
The smoking man in "X-files". If you were to be a mysterious man who holds the key to all the questions that a FBI agent has been searching for his whole life, how can you justify your clandescent meetings by not smoking? Imagine the smoking man turning for his meetings with an ice-cream cone... NOT cool.
The bad-ass traffic light stare. Imagine you're driving an economy car and you just stopped at a red light. A fancy sports car pulls up besides you. The couple in the sports car glances over to you with mocking eyes. A pretty-boy who's living off his parents' money and his stick-like model bitch. You look at them and realise it's time for a non-verbal "fuck you". You slowly reach for your fags and light them up with a flick of your lighter (preferably a Zippo). You take a long drag and slowly turn towards them. A pimp-ass song starts on the radio. Time seems to be in slow motion, almost standing still. You give them a slow motion wink and drive off, leaving them with their jaws to the ground in total awe of how shit-ass cool you are.
In a bar fight. So you're in a club hitting on this hot chick. The chick's "I look so tough but I cry like a baby when I watch Oprah" boyfriend angrily confronts you and demands you back off from his bitch. At this moment you know it's on! Take a long drag from the cigarette already hanging on your lips, blow toxic second-hand smoke into his face, giving him cancer ON THE SPOT. Kick him in his balls and while he's down on his feet grovelling, kick him some more and laugh while doing it. Then grab your ice-cold Heineken and continue hitting on his chick.
Now that we have come up with what must be the top three situations in a non-exhaustive list of situations where smoking is essential, the flames of my revolution is burning bright. I shall just throw in a few more tips to get all of you aspiring smokers started.
Get a Zippo lighter. Not one with those flashy designs of dragons or some gay colour like blue. Just a plain sliver one would do the job. You just need the damn thing to open and light the damn cigarette!
DO NOT get smoke in your eyes. It is a rookie mistake. Season smokers like me develop the smokers' scowl. Done right, the smokers' scowl looks so bad-ass that even the cigarette smoke is scared shitless and runs away. Getting smoke in your eyes is the soccer equivalent of shooting into an open goal and missing.
Always flick your cigarette butt onto somewhere dangerous. Preferably an open patch of kerosene. Or anything flammable. This increases your bad-ass level. Start another fire that burns bright for our revolution.
So come on and join me on the highway to hell, light up a smoke and we can enjoy life to the fullest, one cigarette at a time.